I Want to Declutter
Home Organization,  Inspiration,  Office Organization

I Want To Declutter, But Where (or How) Do I Even Start?

Yay!!! You’ve decided to start decluttering your life!! I hope you feel happy and relieved from your decision and are equally excited to get started. However, if you are also feeling a bit overwhelmed and not too sure how or where to start, don’t worry as YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Trust me when I say this is a very common feeling.

Trying to decide where to start can be a bit daunting — and maybe even paralyzing at times – especially when surrounded with cluttered rooms, messy counters, or bulging closets. BUT, there is a simple initial step that helps minimize the overwhelm and break through the fear of starting.

To do this, we are going to first take a step back from the clutter and NOT declutter anything at all!!

How to Declutter
What did you just say?

Sounds funny right?! But, trust me. This is an important step — one that I help all of my clients go through.

Why do you want to declutter and simplify now? 

Before starting an organizing project (no matter how big or small it may be), take a few minutes away from the mess to write down what is motivating you right now to simplify your surroundings – include your vision, thoughts and goals on how you want your space to function and how you want to feel (and live) once done. Don’t limit yourself here. THINK BIG!

“Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey –

Everyone has their reasons for wanting to make changes and for you it may be a combination of things that has sparked your interest in taking charge now. I applaud you for taking the initiative – no matter what the reason may be.

Deciding to Declutter
Yeah! Way To Go!

Writing down your goals and motivating factors will help clear your mind and will become a reference for you as you work towards creating a newly organized home, office and life for yourself and/or family. 

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, and magic and power in it. Begin it now.” – Goethe

To help get you started, below are some motivating factors as to “WHY” people may decide to simplify their lives:

  • I am sick and tired of constantly not finding things
  • I want to feel in control and empowered
  • I don’t want to be late to ANYTHING anymore
  • We want to feel proud of the home I live in
  • We want to take accountability for the money spent on “things”
  • I want a room to be able to work on hobbies and possibly start my side-hustle
  • We want to travel
  • We are moving or downsizing and don’t want to pay to pack and move all our stuff
  • I want to start cooking more healthy meals and feel more energetic
  • I want to create a zenful master bedroom so I can sleep better
  • We want to host a special event at home (Christmas, Birthday Party, Social)
  • We want to save money
  • I want to stop fighting with my spouse and/or kids
  • I want to spend more time doing things I LOVE and WANT to do

Do you relate to any of these reasons? If so, be sure to add them to your list.

Continue to jot down all your goals and reasons WHY you want to declutter in the first place – again don’t worry about how big or small you think your reasons may be — just keep on writing your thoughts and inspirations down. AND, keep adding to your list whenever you think of something new.

As you add to your list, you’ll notice a sense of relief, as if a weight is being lifted off your shoulders. Even if you haven’t started anything on your list just yet, there is a short period of transformation in which your brain goes from chaos and confusion to the first stages of organization

Proclaiming your “WHY” is empowering and will feel amazing!!

Once you have written down the reasons “WHY” you want to declutter and simplify your life, post the list on your bathroom mirror or have it beside your bed so you can read them regularly and refer to them when you may be having a tough day. Take it a step further by sharing your list with your loved ones so everyone is aware of your desire for a more organized, stress-less life.

Celebrate your “WHY” and the vision you have for your decluttering journey!! Take a little “TIME-OUT” for yourself and enjoy a hot cup of tea, coffee or even a glass of wine and compliment yourself for going through this initial process.

Feel confident that you DESERVE every single one of the reasons “WHY” you are decluttering and simplifying your life right now. I am super proud and excited for you to be on this journey.


Hugs! xx

Koralee's signature

TIP: If you are struggling with how to envision your space clutter-less and organized, find inspiration from my Pinterest page at: www.Pinterest.com/OrganizeWithKor/boards


Organized Inspiration is a BC Based Professional Organizing Service provider helping busy families and professionals elevate their lives and minimize daily stress by creating a life that isn’t full of clutter, disorganization and daily distractions.


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